Reset button

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The reset button component resets any slider, basic toggle, advance toggle, increment button, and dropdown list components on the page to their initial values, and is an extension of the ImpVis button component.

Also see basic toggle's resetCapability prop, for details on how to use the reset functionality in the form of a toggle instead.

The iv-reset-button component when active.

Technical information

The iv-reset-button is for use as a button which resets any slider, basic toggle, advance toggle, increment button, and dropdown list components on the page. It can also be used to execute any other function like a normal button would. To add text, simply write it in the iv-button slot (between the starting and closing HTML tags).



Type: Boolean

Required: false

Default: false

Description: When true the button is greyed out.

The iv-button component when the disabled prop is set to true.



Trigger: mouseover

Description: Simple event carrying mouse event information, emitted when mouse cursor moves over button.


Trigger: mouseleave

Description: Simple event carrying mouse event information, emitted when mouse cursor leaves button.


Trigger: click

Description: Event resetting sliders and toggles on the page to their default values, as well as carrying mouse event information, emitted when mouse button pressed over button.

Design Choices

The green button is chosen to stand out against the general ImpVis blue. The lighter green upon cursor hovering gives the impression of active to tell the user the cursor is hovering over this option.