Advance toggle

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The advance toggle component appears as a tray of options. It serves as a way to display options and highlighting the active one. This component can be called using the iv-toggle-advance tag.


Technical information

The iv-toggle-advance is a button that allows users to switch between multiple modes. It is possible to disable the toggle. This component builds on Advance toggle button.


Name: modes

Type: Array

Required: true

Default: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]

Description: The array container for the toggle modes text

Name: initialModeIndex

Type: Number

Default: 0

Description: Setting the initial toggle mode

Name: toggleDisabled

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Disable the input

Name: width

Type: String

Default: '95px'

Description: Change the width of the toggle tabs


Name: toggleswitched

Description: Emitted when the toggle is clicked

Value: toggleMode


To set the text for the options, create a prop with an array of the strings and bind the prop to modes. To disable the toggle, set the toggleDisabled prop as 'true'.




Design choice

The blue button is chosen to fit in the general ImpVis blue. The lighter blue on the option upon cursor hovering gives the impression of active to tell the user the cursor is hovering over this option.