User roles

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There are several different types of users for the ImpVis website, each with different permissions. Visitors to the ImpVis website that are not logged in will be able to browse and launch all visualisations in the 'Teach' environment as well as all Collection in the 'Learn' environment. They will also be able to visit the 'Code' environment to view current visualisation projects, but they will not be able to launch these projects or sign up to them. They will also not have access to the 'MyVis' portal.

Standard users

Standard users are registered on the ImpVis website. When they register, automatically a Wiki account is created with username of the format FirstnameLastname as entered during your ImpVis registration, with the same password as for the ImpVis website. Upon registration, users are asked to supply the following details:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Institution
  • Department
  • Staff or Student status

Because of this, the content of the website can be adapted depending on whether they user is staff or a student.

All standard users have permissions to do the following:

  • Access the 'MyVis' dashboard.
  • Save 'favourite' visualisations
  • Review visualisations
  • Sign up to visualisation projects
  • Visit visualisation or project Wiki pages

Additionally, staff users can:

How to become a standard user

Register on the ImpVis website.


The instructor user role is meant for users who wish to use visualisations in their teaching, but are not involved in the upload process and management of individual visualisations.

Instructors have all the same permissions as standard (staff) users, plus they can:

How to become an instructor

Go to 'My Collections' via the 'MyVis' portal. Leave a short message describing who you are and why you want to have instructor access, so we can verify you are a genuine user. Finally, press the 'Request Instructor Access' button. We will review your request; once we have accepted it you will get a notification email.


The creator role is meant for users who take part in the development of new visualisations and need to upload and manage their visualisations.

Creators have all the same permissions as instructors, although they can only propose projects directly if they are staff members. Additionally, they can:

How to become a creator

Go to 'My Visualisations' via the 'MyVis' portal. Leave a short message describing who you are and why you want to have creator access, so we can verify you are a genuine developer. Finally, press the 'Request Creator Access' button. We will review your request; once we have accepted it you will get a notification email.


Superadmins are members of the core ImpVis project team who manage the website. They have all the same permissions as creators, plus they can:

  • Manage all visualisations on the website
  • Manage all collections on the website
  • Manage users on the website (including manually changing their user roles)
  • Manage topic categories
  • Manage department names
  • Manage institution names
  • View all open issues on all visualisations

How to become a superadmin

Only superadmins can create new superadmins, by manually editting their user role in the 'Manage users' environment.