Skeleton template skeleton feature 1

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This page is a child of the Vis template feature class 1 page.

This page is a placeholder for the first listed feature/tool of the skeleton template as given listed on the educational design perspective page. This could be an analogue (for example) a component in the Vue components template, or a function/shape in an older template. This paragraph should contain a description and brief introduction of the tool, a mention of what it's used for, and some example pictures.

Beneath this should be three sections on the tool/feature, these should be:

Technical information

All the technical information regarding the tool. Note that the structure of this section will vary depending on the technical nature of how this tool is implemented (in the code). Many tools can be considered as using many black boxes in order to work; for example, the slider vue component can be thought about as many smaller sub-components being used together by the full vue component that is the slider. In that case, links to all sub-components/sub-tools of this feature/tool should be included here:

"Black box 1" contains a link to the first black box sub-tool of the feature/tool discussed on this page. This should only be done for tools for which it is useful to think of as using many different blackbox-like sub-tools to work.

"Black box 2" is left blank intentionally in case anybody wants to expand on this skeleton of how to write about visualisation templates.

In other cases, where the tool is too complicated to be thought of as using multiple black boxes all working together, and is instead a larger tool that has many interconnected parts that are all just as important as one another, then a full technical description of the tool as a whole should be given here.

Note that all technical information about how to work/use/debug the tool should be given at this level.

Design choice

Motivations and justifications for design choices that were made when developing/choosing this feature/tool. This might also contain comments on the different settings that are available on this feature/tool.

Educational information

If relevant, write about why would/wouldn't a designer consider this tool/feature of the template when creating their interactive teaching document.