Equation box

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The equation box allows equations to easily be rendered anywhere in your visualisations. It uses KaTeX which is very similar to LaTeX in syntax.

An example of the equation box both without and with styling.

Technical Information

The iv-equation-box component is for general use in visualisations to display any mathematics that may be required.



Type: Boolean

Default: true

Description: Determines if the blue box is drawn around the edge of the component, or if it is just rendered as plain text.


Type: String

Default: 'f({x}) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty\hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}\,d\xi'

Description: The KaTeX code which you want to render. Typically LaTeX code will work too since the syntax is very similar.

Design Choices

The blue is chosen to fit with the general ImpVis blue theme.