Difference between revisions of "The wider determinants of health at Imperial's GP practices"

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(Added the GP location data and GP-specific data on wider determinants)
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*''Name and what department each person was in.''
*Justin Lau, Katerina Loupasaki, Regen Petu-Stiles
*''Student or staff partner?''
*Renee Ewe,Viral Thakerar
*''How was each person involved?''
*''How was each person involved?''
*''What rough dates did they contribute?''
*''What rough dates did they contribute?''

Revision as of 16:42, 18 October 2021

This is a template which you can use to help get you started on the wiki submission. It is just intended as a guide and you may modify the structure to suit your project.


  • Justin Lau, Katerina Loupasaki, Regen Petu-Stiles
  • Renee Ewe,Viral Thakerar
  • How was each person involved?
  • What rough dates did they contribute?
  • Renee Ewe, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health. Staff partner from October 2021
  • Viral Thakerar, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health. Staff partner from October 2021

Aims & Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the motivation for your visualisation.
  • Introduce the subject of your visualisation.
  • Which module and year is it intended for and which setting (lecture or self study)?
  • List learning outcomes. E.g.: "After using this visualisation, students should be able to explain that..."

This visualisation is meant for use by students during e-learning and blended pre-reading for the Patients, Communities and Health Y1 (1a) Module.

After using this visualisation, students should be able to explain how societal inequity relates to health outcomes as applied to the local area of GP practices.

Useful data sources:

Location of GP practices the students will attend: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1ZA9dwGqH3NV-b-syChVyMip13k5ZSMv9&ll=51.554548833368905%2C-0.21984190000002068&z=11

GP-level data: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/api

R/Python packages for GP-level data: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/general-practice/data#page/9/gid/2000005/pat/166/par/E38000245/ati/7/are/H85637/iid/639/age/28/sex/4/cat/-1/ctp/-1/cid/4/tbm/1

Wider determinants data (not GP level, but general area): https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/wider-determinants

Design Overview

  • What the final outcome was, how it looks, how it functions etc.
  • Include graphics.
  • Do not include justification or design progression, leave this for later sections.

Design Justification

Assessment Criteria

  • List your cohort's assessment criteria. You may want to number the assessment criteria so you can refer to them easily later.

Education Design

  • What Methods were considered to convey concepts?
  • Design progression, key choices with justifications.
  • How has feedback been incorporated.

Graphical Design

  • How were accessibility issues considered?
  • How was space used effectively?
  • Design progression, key choices with justifications.
  • How has feedback been incorporated.
  • How is the design intuitive?

Interaction Design

  • Choice of interactive element(s) that fit in organically with the visualisation [inspiration of choice might be from lecture/in-class activity or other sources] - Sliders/Buttons/Cursor (hover/click).
  • Keeping accessibility of interactive elements in mind during design phase.
  • Design progression, key choices with justifications.
  • How has feedback been incorporated.

Progress and Future Work

  • Is the design finalised?
  • Which pages have been uploaded to website?
  • Any ideas for future improvements.


  • Link to GitHub repository for code in development:
  • Link to visualisation on ImpVis website (when uploaded):
  • Link to Collection on ImpVis website (when created):
  • Any other links to resources (Miro boards / notes pages / Google Docs etc):