Module Timetable

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This timetable is intended as a guide only to help you understand the structure of the course and the progress you should be making by different points.

Each week includes a description of the timetabled session activities, the intended learning outcomes for that session, a summary of the asynchronous work for you to complete in between the sessions and the recommended progress status of your project. We will post exact details of the asynchronous work, including links and instructions, on the Teams channel.

Note that we will adapt to the cohort's needs throughout the module, which means the schedule may change accordingly. More specific details may be added as the module progresses - keep an eye on the developments of this page (e.g. by clicking 'View history' at the top)!

Week 1: Introduction to Course


This week we will discuss the aims of the module and how the module will run. We will also take time to get to know each other and explore the platforms we will be using throughout the module. Finally, we will think about how we learn abstract concepts in STEMM and what role visualisation can play to aid understanding.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • navigate the module platforms and find relevant information;
  • strike up a conversation with your peers and the module team;
  • describe the ImpVis project and how this module fits into the overall project;
  • discuss how students learn abstract concepts in STEMM and how visualisations can help students gain a deeper understanding.

Week 2: Project topic introduction


This week you will find out the topic for your project. The cohort will work as a whole to create an educational resource with various visual elements (as decided by the cohort) throughout the module. There will be a presentation from the staff partner about the visualisation topic, and the module lead will outline the steps involved in designing and creating a visual education resource. You will then work in pairs to come up with ideas for the overall learning journey of the educational resource we will create as a cohort.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • explain what the topic is of our visual education resource;
  • outline the design & development process of a visual tool for education;
  • propose a scaffolded learning journey for our visual education resource.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Research the project topic and find relevant existing visual resources.
  • Complete your learning journey description, including a number of suitable visual elements for the educational resource.

Week 3: Deciding on the master plan for our visual educational resource


This week we will decide on the master plan for our visual educational resource. As a pair, you will discuss your ideas for the learning journey and visual elements with another pair. Together you will create a combined draft set of specifications for the master plan. As a group, you will share your ideas with the rest of the cohort. The cohort will then vote on the outline of the master plan and its constituent visual elements. Finally, the master plan will be split up into parts, each forming a smaller team project.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • explain the overall learning journey for the visual educational resource;
  • detail which visual elements will be included in the educational resource and why;
  • describe the individual roles needed to successfully create the educational resource.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Continue your independent research into the project topic.
  • Complete the set of reflective questions on your personal portfolio, including your interests and skills in order to be assigned a project team.

Week 4: Project work - scope and individual responsibilities


This week you will have your first team project meeting. You will decide on the scope of your project, a timeline, when and how you will meet and how you will work together. This includes setting individual responsibilities for each team member.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • outline the main objectives of your project (the desired output).
  • explain what will need to be done for your project to be successful and describe each project partner's responsibilities and relative expertise, including your own;
  • identify what you are aiming to learn from your personal contribution to and participation in this visualisation project over the coming weeks.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Meet with your team to discuss project progress;
  • Complete individual learning / research relevant to your role within your team.
  • Fill in the set of reflective questions on your personal portfolio.

Week 5: project work


This week is a project work session. The session will start with a 'stand-up' session where each team will share:

  • progress made this week;
  • tips or useful info to share with the cohort;
  • blockers: what are you stuck on;
  • goals for next week.

We will then have tailored support for groups of students undertaking similar roles (e.g. coding, graphical design, subject experts etc). The rest of the session you will work as a team on your project.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be better able to:

  • communicate findings and ideas with others who have a similar interest;
  • evaluate input from others in order to help them improve their ideas as well as improve your own ideas;
  • collaborate within your project team to combine different perspectives and findings into concrete progress towards your project objectives.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Meet with your team to discuss project progress;
  • Complete individual learning / research relevant to your role within your team.
  • Fill in the set of reflective questions on your personal portfolio.

Week 6: Project work


This week is a project work session. The session will start with a 'stand-up' session where each team will share:

  • progress made this week;
  • tips or useful info to share with the cohort;
  • blockers: what are you stuck on;
  • goals for next week.

We will then have tailored support for groups of students undertaking similar roles (e.g. coding, graphical design, subject experts etc). The rest of the session you will work as a team on your project.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be better able to:

  • communicate findings and ideas with others who have a similar interest;
  • evaluate input from others in order to help them improve their ideas as well as improve your own ideas;
  • collaborate within your project team to combine different perspectives and findings into concrete progress towards your project objectives.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Meet with your team to discuss project progress;
  • Complete individual learning / research relevant to your role within your team.
  • Fill in the set of reflective questions on your personal portfolio.

Week 7: Project work


This week is a project work session. The session will start with a 'stand-up' session where each team will share:

  • progress made this week;
  • tips or useful info to share with the cohort;
  • blockers: what are you stuck on;
  • goals for next week.

We will then have tailored support for groups of students undertaking similar roles (e.g. coding, graphical design, subject experts etc). The rest of the session you will work as a team on your project.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be better able to:

  • communicate findings and ideas with others who have a similar interest;
  • evaluate input from others in order to help them improve their ideas as well as improve your own ideas;
  • collaborate within your project team to combine different perspectives and findings into concrete progress towards your project objectives.

Asynchronous work after the session

  • Meet with your team to discuss project progress;
  • Complete individual learning / research relevant to your role within your team.
  • Fill in the set of reflective questions on your personal portfolio.

Week 8: Project work - finalising your draft submission


This week you and your project team will finalise your project draft submission.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Agree on a fully worked-out and synthesised project draft submission.

Asynchronous work

  • Meet with your team to discuss project progress;
  • By Wednesday end of day: submit fully worked-out draft project;
  • From Thursday: review a set number of other project drafts and fill in feedback template.

Week 9: Review session


This session we will undertake a formal review session, where each project team will give specific feedback to a set number of other project teams. The feedback will be prioritised as follows: red - critical issues to be fixed in order to meet the assessment criteria; orange - recommended improvements to make the design better; blue - possible suggestions / inspiration for further work; green - exemplary features in the design that others should implement too.

Following the review, you will discuss the feedback given and received in your project team and decide on final improvements to make to your design before the final submission.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • evaluate other teams' draft projects in order to identify points for improvement as well as exemplary features you can incorporate in your own project;
  • communicate feedback to other teams with a clear prioritisation in a constructive manner;
  • reflect upon feedback received and agree within your project team whether and how to act upon this feedback in order to improve your project output.

Asynchronous work

  • Fill in the set of post-feedback questions.
  • Implement the final improvements to your project, as agreed with your team during the session.
  • Meet with your team to agree on the final project submission.

Week 10: Project exhibition and collation of visual educational resource

This week all project teams will showcase their projects to each other and the module team. Afterwards, we will collate the different projects into a single visual educational resource. We will end by reflecting upon what we have learnt throughout the module.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • communicate your project outcome to both peers and staff;
  • reflect upon your learning during the module;

Asynchronous work

  • Complete your personal portfolio (final end-of-module reflection and self-assessment).
  • Submit portfolio by a pre-agreed deadline.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the ImpVis module. We hope you enjoyed the journey and will be able to see your visualisation project in action in its intended module in the next academic year!