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This page is a child of the Main Impvis Wiki Page. This is the ImpVis knowledge base; it contains all of the information ImpVis has accumulated as a community in order to design and develop effective interactive visualisations for education.

The structure of this page follows the steps of our design and development process closely.

Getting started

These are the suggested steps to take if you wish to know all about how to get involved in the ImpVis project.

  1. Read a brief overview of our design and development process (ensure to take the first step: connecting with our community).
  2. Find out how to get involved with a visualisation project.
  3. Understand what it means to work in partnership.

You can follow the links in the pages above to find out more information. Below are listed all the pages in the 'Getting Started' category in alphabetical order.

Visualisation design guidance

To create an interactive visualisation for education, you will need to consider the design of your visualisation carefully from several angles. The ImpVis template implements some of our ideas so that you do not need to design your visualisation entirely from scratch. Suggested reading:

  1. Which steps to take during the design process.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the ImpVis template (hosted on the ImpVis website) so you understand how it can support your visualisation design.
  3. Read the description of the ImpVis template for a greater understanding.

Below we list all our further design guidance documents alphabetically, split up into three different categories: education, graphic, and interaction design. Note that we have only just started collating our experience in this section, so not all parts are populated yet - we aim to incorporate all knowledge generated by the ImpVis module students in this Wiki going forward.

Education design

Relevant pages in alphabetical order:

Graphic design

Relevant pages in alphabetical order:

Interaction design

Relevant pages in alphabetical order:

Guidance for coding up visualisations

The link below has technical content on how to get started with the coding side of ImpVis.

Setting up

When starting coding, these are the suggested steps to follow:

  1. Read about our programming languages and where to find some training resources.
  2. Follow this tutorial to set up your coding environment.
  3. Learn about getting started on GitHub.

All our pages with guidance for setting up are listed below in alphabetical order.

The ImpVis visualisations template

Information about the ImpVis template created in 2020, using vue.js. You should already have familiarised yourself with the ImpVis template during the design phase. However, before you proceed with the coding, make sure you have an in-depth understanding of the template and its components, including how to include the components in your code. Suggested steps to take:

  1. See the template in action here: ImpVis template.
  2. Read the ImpVis template description.
  3. Follow the basic tutorial on how to include components in your code.
  4. Find technical documentation on all ImpVis Vue components.

Below are all our guidance pages for the ImpVis and the associated components, in alphabetical order.

The coding process

Where are all the docs about which graphics packages to use etc? (2020 summer team) - see tutorial doc downloaded.

Add in recorded workshops from Teams channel?

Look here for tips and help on issues that may come up while you're coding. Here are some pages to get your started:

  1. Structuring your code
  2. Help on HTML, CSS, JS and JS libraries
  3. Extra comments for the developer

All our coding tips pages are listed alphabetically below.

Review and publication of your visualisation

  • Uploading
  • Review
  • Versioning
  • Creating a collection

Maintaining ImpVis

everything about how to update the component library, Rob's technical doc, YouTube videos

Website guidance

Everything about the functionality on the website and its design.