Wiki Submission Template
This is a template which you can use to help get you started on the wiki submission. It is just intended as a guide and you may modify the structure to suit your project.
- Name and what department each person was in.
- Student or staff partner?
- How was each person involved?
- What rough dates did they contribute?
Aims & Learning Outcomes
- Explain the motivation for your visualisation.
- Introduce the subject of your visualisation.
- Which module and year is it intended for and which setting (lecture or self study)?
- List learning outcomes. E.g.: "After using this visualisation, students should be able to explain that..."
Design Overview
- What the final outcome was, how it looks, how it functions etc.
- Include graphics.
- Do not include justification or design progression, leave this for later sections.
Design Justification
Assessment Criteria
- List and explain your assessment criteria. You may want to number the assessment criteria so you can refer to them easily later.
Education Design
- What Methods were considered to convey concepts?
- Design progression, key choices with justifications.
- How has feedback been incorporated.
Graphical Design
- How were accessibility issues considered?
- How was space used effectively?
- Design progression, key choices with justifications.
- How has feedback been incorporated.
- How is the design intuitive?
Interaction Design
- Choice of interactive element(s) that fit in organically with the visualisation [inspiration of choice might be from lecture/in-class activity or other sources] - Sliders/Buttons/Cursor (hover/click).
- Keeping accessibility of interactive elements in mind during design phase.
- Design progression, key choices with justifications.
- How has feedback been incorporated.
Progress and Future Work
- Is the design finalised?
- Which pages have been uploaded to website?
- Any ideas for future improvements.
- Links to code or notes used.